"I just started six weeks of capoeira classes. It's a lot of intense working out - my legs are so sore. Otherwise, it's a good way to learn about another culture and keep off all the weight I've been gaining. Food in London is simply marvelous. There are so many markets everywhere. Think of the Union Square Farmer's Market and imagine those everywhere in the city and much cheaper. Well, there are two types of markets here: ones for legit London people who live their lives and have families and who aren't as well off. The other markets are more for tourists and hipsters and such. The latter have food stalls from all over the world - it's really great! And the desserts here are superb! And I've started eating cheese. Like, legit cheese, not the Kraft nonsense we have back home. I made a friend in my geography class who works at the Borough Market selling cheese on Saturday. Last week, I bought Terschelling Schapenkaas. This week, I'm eating Fenugreek Schapenkaas (or something). So between the capoeira classes and the markets, I've been doing my fair share of traveling all over the city."